Saturday 22 September 2018

What Happens When Indian Mythology and science is mixed in thoughts

There is a old story in India Myths which goes like during the war between demons (asuras) and gods (devas) both wanted to find a way to live forever and so they went to high god to ask. They went to ask because of the death of many people and if it had continued like that not many people would be left alive, lets not think about who went to ask (it becomes simple to imagine). Now these high gods (tri-devas) are the neutral parties they help who worship them or makes them like by doing somethings which makes them think that they should help. Story goes like both the parties had to mutually help each other and churn a sea which literally means milk sea and they started churning after some misunderstanding and some ulterior agenda between both parties. After churning that milk sea came many things including live people(wow!). (Now let's think about what i wanted to say after such long background story) At the end came the post violent poison ever know since then it was so violent that both parties thought that whole world will be destroyed (Basically both all parties involved will die), So they asked Highgods and one of them drank it and so on (what happened you can watch below in video)

 and after that the elixir of immortality came forth from churning. (Now lets think from science side) Let's not start to think if the myth is truth or not and consider a therotical possibility that it is truth and both poison and elixir of immortality came forth, now question stands according to the theory of conservation of energy energy can neither be destroyed nor be created but can be changed from one form to another, so considering ( we can consider all things that came before as well but it will just complicate things) both poison and elixir as energy ( doesn't need to consider according to science various matter are different permutation and combination of basic energies) the question comes what happened to both the energies poison somebody drank and elixir somebody drank but according to law energies can't be destroyed so what happened to those energies, were they converted to some other forms or they still exist in the same form, even if they were converted there would still be same combination of energies if not then what happened to those energies. If they are not converted to other form then were they trapped to exist in the same form by some higher form of energies( Since lower form of energies can't contain higher forms of energies), If contained what are those permutation of higher forms of energies. Ok I am too bored to think more about these paradoxical answers which give raise to paradoxical questions which in turn give raise to same paradoxical answers, basically what i wanted to say i couldn't and ended up thinking relation between science and myth. In mythological stories they followed the science of  law of conversation of energy so was myth truth or the science a myth.

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