Monday 24 September 2018

What is science and What was before science

What is science and What was before science?

So the thought i had today what is science and what was before science. According to google dictionary science is: the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.
So basically science is seeing things as to why they happen what was the reason that something happened in a some certain way or to put it simple why? what? how? when? 
So what was before science was formally formulated, well the answer can be found in practically everything that happens today which is now labelled as science and even through studying history before formulating of science. which goes like before science people wouldn't care about the why?, they would only care about what? and how? for example after formulating science people started thinking what happens after a seed is sown in soil? and why does it grow? and how does it grow? and when does it grow?. whereas before science people would only care about what seed is sown? and what is the result after it grows and gives fruit(maybe called something else)? and the people wouldn't care about how and why. They only cared about what is sown and what needs to done to get as maximum fruit as possible and they would do it they wouldn't care about why the they need to put fertilizer and what happens after putting fertilizer, but after science people started thinking why they need to put fertilizer and what happens after they put fertilizer and what type of fertilizer should be used in what type of soil etc.,

So basically that's the difference between science and before science. If we go even before the before of science what we get is nomad searching for food in forests without or with less clothes and they didn't even care about how it was grown they only cared about where it was grown(this is proved by science if you have doubt about this)

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